Judy called today and said Mike's not feeling very good. He came home at lunchtime and he told her then that his stomach was bothering him. I think most of his stomach is gone, if I'm correct. When he was first diagnosed with cancer in his esophagus, some of his stomach was removed and some of it was used to make a new esophagus. Keep praying for him, please!
The support that Mike & Judy have been receiving is just so great. People have been donating money to help with the expenses, emails have been coming from some of you asking what you can send to Mike, prayers have been abundant, and we are all so thankful for people like you!
Praying for Mike
How wonderful of you to be doing all you can to help Mike.
My prayers are with all of you.
Thank you, Joanne. I know Mike & Judy really appreciate all of the nice things people have been saying for them. The kindness they have been shown is great! Take care and come back!
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