Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap of Faith

I talked to Mike this morning for a minute. He sounded pretty good over the phone. As always, he never lets on how he really feels.
Mike had tests done today on his brain and neck to see if the radiation has shrunk or gotten rid of the cancer. He will find out the results from those on Monday.
Yesterday and today were good days for Mike but earlier this week he was having a rough time of it. He has been sleeping a lot, which is not surprising considering what all he is going through.

Judy said with him being off of work it has been difficult for Mike because he has a lot more time now to think. They are hoping after they talk to the doctor on Monday that he will be allowed to go back to work and just do some really light duty stuff. His employers have been wonderful to him and they will take care of him. He needs something to do though - that's just the type of person Mike is.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Mike's Hand

Earlier this week Mike found out what was going on with his right hand. The doctor says the problems he is having is most likely coming from a lymph node in his neck that is cancerous.

It's not a new cancer area, though. A while back when they found out the cancer was in his spine there were three lymph nodes that were cancerous with one of them being in his neck.

On Wednesday, Mike started radiation treatments on his brain as well as his neck. He will have a total of 10 treatments on his neck that may cause him to temporarily lose his voice and he will probably get a sore throat.

Right now Judy is trying to keep Mike eating so that he doesn't lose anymore weight.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Mike's New Treatments

Mike started radiation treatments for the cancer in his brain and he will go five days a week for the next three weeks. He is not able to drive or work during this time.

They are giving him radiation on the entire brain to prevent any further spreading of the cancer cells.

The doctor isn't sure what is causing Mike to lose the use of his right hand. They will be donig another MRI to find out what's going on there.

As I receive updates, I will keep you posted.

Please keep the prayers coming!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Cancer Is In Mike's Brain

Mike had a doctor's appointment yesterday and he found out that the cancer has spread to his brain. The MRI showed a very small spot that has been affected.

Judy said she was scared to death yesterday when Mike came home for lunch. She said one minute he was eating soup and the next minute, his head was on the table and he was sound asleep. She made him go to bed and told him he was not going back to work. I guess he slept most of the day then and the doctor said that if she was not able to wake up Mike, or if he woke up and was not making sense or was confused, he would have to go to the ER.

Mike is now on medication to try and reduce the swelling on his brain. If they are able to get the swelling reduced, he will have radiation. She said today he is doing better than what he was yesterday except he was up with diarrhea a lot last night.

Bill stopped to talk to Mike on Thursday night and Mike said that he can no longer drive the big trucks at work because he doesn't have the strength.

Mike needs everyones prayers now more than ever so please continue to pray and pass it on.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Evolution of Dance - Funny Video!

The comedian in this video has gotten over 74 million views with this You Tube video. Watch and you will see why!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Mike's Doctor's Appointment Today

Mike had his doctor's appointment today. Here is the latest news from Judy:

We just got back from the Drs. Mike's tumor count went up again. It is now at 201.6. The blood counts are low. He is in a lot of pain so the Dr. put him on a patch for pain. He starts that today. The Dr. wants to try another Chemo called Xeloda. This is in tablet form. He will take it for two weeks and off for one week & then back on it for two weeks & off for one week.

We don't know how long he will be on this drug. We are waiting to hear from the Ins. Co. to see if they will cover this drug. The Cancer Center is dealing with our Ins. so we don't know when he will be able to start taking the drug. The Cancer Center will get back to us as soon as they hear from the Ins. Co. The drug will be sent to our home. It will be nice for Mike that he won't have to sit for hours with an IV in is hand.

He was having back side effects from the last Chemo drug. His hand looked like a burn. The Dr. told us today that it will go through stages. His hand was real red and than it got a white crusty look as if you put a paste of baking soda on his hand. Then his hand started peeling. It doesn't look as bad now just like dry skin.

Please keep him in your prayers. Also pray that the Ins. will cover some of the cost of the drug.

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Joys Of Being Bald...In Honor Of Mike's New Shiny Head

Judy said last night that Mike's hair is gone so in honor of the new bald Mike, I have a video I want you to see...

Mike, don't worry about being hairless. There are plenty of famous people who are bald...

Dr. Phil McGraw...

Yul Brenner...

Britney Spears...(although I wouldn't recommend aspiring to be like her!)

Mr. Clean...

Bald Quotes...

"Experience is a comb which nature gives to men when they are bald."

"Better a bald head than no head at all."

"I don't consider myself bald - I'm just taller than my hair."

“Hey, believe me. Baldness will catch on. When the aliens come, who do you think they’re gonna relate to?”