Friday, December 28, 2007
Bad Day for Mike

Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas With The Family
We gave Mike his book that everyone filled out the questionnaires for at the spaghetti dinner while we were at Pizza Hut. After Pizza Hut, we all went to our different churches for candlelight service. I enjoy candlelight service so much, especially the lighting of the candles and singing Silent Night. Every year as I sing that song it gives me hope for the upcoming year that things will be better.
On Christmas evening, the entire crew went to Bobby and Jane's house. Bobby and Jane remodeled their house a couple of years ago and this was the first that Bill and I had seen it. They have a beautiful home with lots of room now! The boys all went upstairs to play Playstation, pool and other games while the rest of the family congregated downstairs to play card games, board games, and to eat. It's never a Robinson/Metzler gathering if there isn't lots of food! Janes parents were also there. All in all it was a wonderful Christmas and a very memorable one!
As usual, Mike was his ornery self and he was cracking jokes and being silly. He looked really good and he's now making jokes about his lack of hair, thanks to chemo. I will post some pictures as soon as I get them uploaded onto the computer.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Merry Christmas!
I would like to wish everyone and their families a very happy, healthy and merry Christmas!
Rejoice and remember the true meaning of Christmas - Christ's birth - and enjoy your families!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Online Podcast Regarding Fibromyalgia
The interview was about Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and how it affects weight. You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the link below. The first four minutes the blog owner talks about her weight loss and then after that is my interview.
Podcast Spotlight - Fibromyalgia and Weight Loss
Mike's Birthday at Applebee's!
Logan enjoyed his evening out and he got to sit down by Aunt Dudu and Uncle Mike so he was happy.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Happy Birthday, Mike!

Mike has been doing pretty good. He is losing his hair rather quickly and now his head is getting cold. Judy bought him a hat to keep his head warm. Mike has a head cold right now and naturally Judy is worried about it turning into something worse. When your immune system is so compromised from chemotherapy and cancer, any normal illness can take a turn for the worse quickly. She is upping some of his supplements to help ward off the cold.
Keep saying prayers for Mike! Call and wish Mike a happy birthday today!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Aunt Velva Is Now With The Angels...

Velva had been sick here for a while and it was time for her to go. She wasn't able to do the things that she once enjoyed and her life was no longer enjoyable as she once knew it.
She had commented different times to family and friends that she was blessed to have lived such a long happy life and whenever the Lord was ready to take her home it was okay with her.
Velva was a nice woman who I always thought was not afraid to speak her mind. If she didn't like something, she would say so. But she was always friendly and she was always very nice to me. When we had Logan, she came to the house and brought diapers and held the baby.
She will surely be missed by many family and friends. She is survived by six sisters.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Point of Grace: Jesus Will Still Be There
Things change, plans fail
You look for love on a grander scale
Storms rise, hopes fade
And you place your bets on another day
When the going gets tough
When the rides too rough
When you're just not sure enough
Jesus will still be there
His love will never change
Sure as the steady rain
Jesus will still be there
When no one else is true
Hell still be loving you
When it looks like you've lost it all
And you haven't got a prayer
Jesus will still be there
Time flies, hearts turn
A little bit wiser from lessons learned
But sometimes, weakness wins
And you lose your foothold once again
When the going gets tough
When the rides too rough
When you're just not sure enough
(repeat chorus) (2x)
When it looks like you've lost it all
And you haven't got a prayer
Jesus will still be there
Monday, December 10, 2007
More Spaghetti Dinner Pictures!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Point of Grace: You Will Never Walk Alone
Along life's road
There will be sunshine and rain
Roses and thorns, laughter and pain
And 'cross the miles
You will face mountains so steep
Deserts so long and valleys so deep
Sometimes the Journey's gentle
Sometimes the cold winds blow
But I want you to remember
I want you to know
You will never walk alone
As long as you have faith
Jesus will be right beside you all the way
You may feel you're far from home
But home is where He is
And he'll be there down every road
You will never walk alone
The path will wind
And you will find wonders and fears
Labors of love and a few falling tears
Across the years
There will be some twists and turns
Mistakes to make and lessons to learn
Sometimes the journey's gentle
Sometimes the cold winds blow
But I want you to remember where ever you may go
Jesus knows your joy, Jesus knows your need
He will go the distance with you faithfully
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Pictures From The Dinner
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Sandi Patty: In the Name of the Lord
Crowds Have Lined The Narrow Street
To See This Man From Galilee
Just A Carpenter Some Say Leading Fools Astray
Yet Many Kneel To Give Him Praise
And In His Eyes They Glimpse The Power
That Sees The Heart Of All Men
And He Knows His Fathers Mind And He Speaks His Fathers Words
For He Comes In The Name Of The Lord
There Is Strength In The Name Of The Lord
There Is Power In The Name Of The Lord
There Is Hope In The Name Of The Lord
Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord
When My Plans Have Fallen Through
And When My Strength Is Nearly Gone
When Theres Nothing Left To Do But Just Depend On You
And The Power Of Your Name
And When We Call Upon Your Name
Your Strength Through Weakness To Show
We Can Know The Master Plan Extend The Masters Hand
When We Come In The Name Of The Lord
There Is Strength In The Name Of The Lord
There Is Power In The Name Of The Lord
There Is Hope In The Name Of The Lord
Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord
His Name Will Be Worshipped Forever
Creator Redeemer And King And King
There Is Strength In The Name Of The Lord
There Is Power In The Name Of The Lord
There Is Hope In The Name Of The Lord
Blessed Is He Who Comes
Blessed Is He Who Comes
Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord
In The Name Of The Lord
Mike Got Great News From Doctor!

Sunday, December 2, 2007
Spaghetti Dinner Was A Success!
Mike and Judy were busy last night, walking around, talking to everyone there. Judy keeps saying she doesn't know what she is going to run out of first - tears or Kleenex. Mike had a surprise visitor that came for the event - Mikie flew up for the weekend! Mike had guessed earlier in the week though that he was coming so he wasn't surprised but he was sure happy to see him there. Michelle, Dean, Kayla, Austin, Mikie, Mike, Judy and Helen all had the head table - the one closest to the food!
The silent auction was a success, as we had 21 items that people could bid on. We ended up raising almost $1,000 just from the silent auction! Bill was busy all evening calling off door prizes every 15 minutes. We had many, many door prize items that were given away.
Chris was our greeter at the door and she did a great job greeting everyone and making them feel welcome. Jane was our official basket seller/order taker last night and she kept things on that side going.
Michelle and Kayla were in charge of the silent auction table and they did a great job of making sure those tables ran smoothly and they had the fun job of collecting money from everyone! Michelle was having a great time chatting with lots of people! Every time I walked by her she was talking to someone different!
I called Bobby a "dip" because he was one of our food dippers. I kept trying to give him a break but he wanted to be a dip! (Just kidding!) He was a big help on the food table and I appreciate him standing there the whole time. He was helped by Jess & Josh. Mike's sisters, Pauline and Jeannie, helped in the kitchen with dipping spaghetti and sauce and doing dishes in between customers. Pauline's husband, Ron, kept things filled up on the food table where Bobby was at.
My mom, Carolyn, my dad, Dave, and my sister, Sue, kept the drink table running smoothly. Bev & Lois were in charge of desserts and boy did they ever have a lot of desserts to dish out! That table was a big hit! We had many great cakes, cookies, cupcakes and other desserts donated. Bev was also a huge help in getting door prizes and silent auction items donated.
Our "behind the scenes" volunteers in the kitchen were Aunt Edna and Francis H. She cooks for all of the spaghetti dinners at the Shook Home in Chambersburg so we had a pro to help us out.
Justin was our photographer last night ( I will post pictures tomorrow) and Austin, along with Gretchen's son & daughter, and Gretchen helped to clear off tables.
Our daughter, Lori and my babysitter, Samantha, had craft activities for the kids to do and they kept that corner of the room running smoothly. Lori was also a great help with getting donations, door prizes and silent auction items donated. She also came early yesterday (2:30) to help Bill & I get things started at the church. Lori's two girls, Lexi and Mikaela, and our son, Logan, helped us put placemats and plasticware around on all of the tables. We had everyone working - even the little ones!
Mikie helped take trash to the dumpster and he helped us load up the vehicles with leftovers and other items.
Woody Payne was a great pianist for us last night and it was so nice to have Christmas music playing while everyone ate and chatted.
A friend and fellow train club member, Tony, and Steve Cox, another train club member and co-worker of Mike's, were a huge help in getting us to the church yesterday. I had everything for the spaghetti dinner stashed in my doll room and there was little room left in there to walk we had so much stuff! He came down at 2:00 p.m. yesterday and helped us load up the trailer and it was great having him! Then last evening, Steve Cox was a huge help in tearing down. He helped with trash, cleaning off tables and vacuuming the church foyer. Steve also helped to sell many tickets at Gabler's.
Later when it was time to clean up, we put all of the young men to work. Justin, Brandon, Josh, and a friend of Justin's helped to sweep, mop, put away tables and chairs and rearrange chairs for today's church service.
Chris said prayer before we began and that was so nice. It was a wonderful way to start the evening and it just put a calm over me that I definitely needed! I was a nervous wreck!
The church was wonderful in making sure all of the tables were set up and they were very helpful to us. Bill, Logan and I belong to a wonderful church and we are very proud to attend Mt. Rock.
It was wonderful to see so many people chip in and help and the whole event, from beginning to end, from October to now, was a team effort. It is something that I know none of us in the family will ever forget. Mike is really loved and last night it showed in that room. We could have probably easily sold at least another 100 tickets. He has touched a lot of lives and I am glad that he could see the results of that with everyone together in one room.
Thank you!
Thank you so much to everyone in the family and friends who helped with this event from donating food and items to working last night. We couldn't have had a better group of people working and everything that everyone did was greatly appreciated by us!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
It's a Busy Time
The church just called and said they needed to set up round tables for Sunday's service and they would like to do that on Friday. They wanted to know if I minded using round tables instead of the long tables we were planning to use. This works out great because they will have all of the tables already set up for us and we won't have to do that! Talk about perfect timing for this event! :)
Thursday I am scheduled to go to the church to instruct them on how we want things set up and to ensure that we have plenty of room for tables for the other things we are planning.
I also have received some cancer literature from the American Cancer Society that they kindly donated.
Things are coming together nicely and I am anxious to meet many of Mike & Judy's friends and Mike's family!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
One Week Until The Spaghetti Dinner!

My doll room has become spaghetti dinner grand central and I have little room to walk around, as we have 72 pounds of spaghetti, many pounds of spaghetti sauce, plates, cups, silverware, door prize and silent auction items galore!
Yesterday I brought all of the silent auction items and door prizes out and we have plenty of great stuff that you can either bid on or that you will win as a door prize. I counted close to 70 door prize items and we have approximately 20 silent auction items. My husband, Bill, will be busy calling off door prizes every few minutes and Michelle and Kayla will be busy on the silent auction tables.
I will update the blog later this week to reflect all of the great gift items we have received from businesses and local people. We appreciate greatly the kindness of everyone who bought tickets, donated food items, supplies and many other gifts.
Mike's sister, Paulene, has been a great help in donating many items and we appreciate greatly all that she has done.
For those of you who purchased tickets we will see you next Saturday!
Update: Some people have been asking if we will be accepting checks for the silent auction items and yes we will. Checks will be made out to me, Sandy Robinson, as I will be depositing all of the proceeds for Mike and Judy.
Thanksgiving Day Was Great!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
We'll Miss You, Mikie and Joy!
Thanksgiving won't be the same and we will miss you guys! Take care of yourself and get better. Hopefully we will see you again sometime soon!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone and please be safe! Eat lots of turkey!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Mikie and Joy - Have A Safe Trip Home!
Thanksgiving Challenge

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Joy Is Still Cooking!
Mikie and Joy are coming up for Thanksgiving and she is going to teach us all how to make Lumpia after we eat our Thanksgiving dinner.
Everyone have a nice weekend. I won't be home to post so it will probably be Monday until I blog again.
The Mom Song
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Sold Out!
Change In Mike's Chemotherapy
The doctor did not do blood work to determine that the chemotherapy wasn't working. He said that if Mike was still having pain then the chemotherapy did not shrink the tumors. He said the cancer is still "contained", it just hasn't gotten any smaller.
Please continue praying that this chemotherapy will work for Mike.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Family Reunion At The Hospital

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Happy Birthday, Chris, Judy & Kayla!
Lots of birthdays in November! Chris celebrated her birthday on November 8th, Judy's is today, November 11th, and Kayla is tomorrow, November 12th! Happy birthday!!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Mike Is Having Better Days

He will go for his fourth chemotherapy treatment on Tuesday and next he will have blood work to determine if the chemotherapy is helping fight the cancer. Keep praying for Mike. I have faith that he is going to beat this!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Joy's Fundraiser For Mike!

Mikie's girlfriend, Joy, has been busy with her own little fundraiser for Mike that she is doing down in Florida. What you see in the pictures above is a dish called Lumpia. From what I read online (and Joy if I'm wrong, please correct me!), Lumpia is a traditional Filipino dish. It is the Filipino version of egg rolls. Lumpia can be served as a side dish or as an appetizer.
Joy has made Lumpia for her co-workers in the past and this dish has been very popular where she works. Joy wanted to do something for Mike, so she took orders at work for her famous Lumpia dish.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Take the Challenge: 100 Days of Love

Day 1 - Please Join Us
Day 2 - Forgiveness
Day 3 - Hug O' War
Day 4 - Simple Service
Day 5 - Premature Judgment?
Day 6 - Attitude
Day 7 - Comfort Zones
Sunday, November 4, 2007
All About Mike
Last night as I was tossing and turning in bed, I was thinking about all of the great friends and family who have been so kind to Mike and Judy during this challenging time in their lives. So....I was brainstorming and this is what I have come up with...
I would like to make a book for Mike with stories from people who know him. If you would like to participate, please email me at fightformike@hotmail.com and you can email me the answers to the questions below. I want to have something to write up that is consistent, so it will just be a standard questionnaire with the following information you will need to answer:
- What is your name?
- What is your relationship to Mike?
- How long have you known Mike?
- How did you meet Mike?
- What is your most memorable experience with Mike?
- How has knowing Mike affected your life?
- Why is Mike special to you and your family?
- If you could only describe Mike in one word, what would it be?
- What personal message do you have for Mike?
- Any additional comments you would like to add?
Mike has touched many peoples' lives in various ways over the years and I would like for him to see just how much he means to all of us!
I would like to have this done so that I can give it to Mike for Christmas, so please email me with the answers to the questions above as soon as possible! I have also created a Word document questionnaire that we can send out to people who don't have email or Internet access. I will have this questionnaire available at the spaghetti dinner too, so hopefully we will be able to get everyone. Thanks!

You Raise Me Up
When I am down and oh my heart is weary
When trouble comes and my heart burdens me
Then I am still and waiting in the silence
Until you come and sit a while with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You rasie me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You rasie me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You rasie me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be.
You raise me up to more than I can be

Friday, November 2, 2007
The Side Effects of Chemotherapy

He doesn't throw up, but he gets up in the morning and has terrible dry heaves. This morning must have been particularly bad because Mike was late going to work and that's not like him. Judy said it sounds like he is throwing up everything inside of him. He is also having problems eating. He has no appetite. This is where the catch-22 comes in from being sick like this - you have to eat to gain strength and help build up your system, but the illness itself and chemotherapy kills your appetite. I have never had cancer (thank God!), but I know for myself just from having the chronic illnesses that I have how hard it is to eat when you are really feeling bad.
Clarification On The Spaghetti Dinner
So if you were thinking about coming, you will need to have a ticket in advance. If you have any questions, please email me (Sandy) at fightformike@hotmail.com.
Fighting Fatigue A 2007 Weblogs Awards Finalist!

My main blog, Fighting Fatigue is a finalist in the Health/Medical Issues Category for the 2007 Weblog Awards! Just think of all of the exposure something like this will raise for CFS, Fibromyalgia and Interstitial Cystitis!
Update Friday morning: You can click on the link below to go and vote for Fighting Fatigue for the 2007 Weblog Awards:
- Link to vote!
- At the Poll Index post, scroll down to "Best Medical/Health Issues Blog. Click on that link.
- Next you should see the 10 blogs that made the finals.
- Then vote for Fighting Fatigue!
- You can vote once per day and you have to have Macromedia Flash version 7 (or greater) installed and Javascript enabled or you will be prompted to get the latest version. If you do not have these installed, you can not vote.
Please go back daily and vote! I appreciate it! :)
Polls close on November 8, 2007!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Items We Need Donated...
- Buy a ticket! We still have a lot of tickets left to sell so please contact me at the email address below if you would like a ticket!
- Gift cards for grocery stores to purchase food for the spaghetti dinner
- We are still in need of door prize items, especially for children and men
- Silent auction items for men and children
Thanks again to all of the family members and friends so far who have volunteered baked goods and their time to help us make this event successful!
Please contact Sandy at fightformike@hotmail.com if you have any questions or wish to donate! Thanks!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
These Businesses Have Kindly Donated...

Gretchen from Tastefully Simple
Crystal with Beauty From The Earth
Starbucks in Chambersburg
Monday, October 29, 2007
Fighting Cancer

I read a very interesting article over the weekend on cancer that was written by Dr. Tedd Mitchell. I thought it would be neat to share here. It is rather long, though so grab your coffee or drink and relax a minute!
We've turned the Corner On Fighting Cancer
No longer called the "Big C", we no address it forthrightly.
"When I was a child, cancer was a scary, taboo topic that folks never discussed. Even John Wayne didn't use the term after his lung cancer surgery, instead calling it "the Big C". Perhaps he did that because our ability to diagnose and treat cancer a generation ago was more limited, so the diagnosis carried with it a more ominous outlook.
Well, things have changed. Advances in medical science have dramatically improved our ability to diagnose a number of cancers at earlier stages, when treatment is more effective. And because early diagnosis is still the best way to successfully intervene, numerous organizations have embarked upon campaigns to increase public awareness.
Today, survival rates for those with cancer have improved enough that the pendulum has swung. Folks who once were expected to suffer in silence now find strength in facing their illness in a full frontal assault. Family members and friends have joined the fight, as well, volunteering in events such as walks, fun runs, telethons and all sorts of fundraisers.
The shift in how far we've come with public awareness about cancer has even moved to the funny pages. A patient of mine, Tom Batiuk, author and "Funky Winkerbean" cartoonist, has written a book called Lisa's Story: The Other Shoe, which chronicles the heroic struggle of a woman with breast cancer. He uses the comic strip to illustrate the triumph and struggles that cancer brings to individuals and their families and friends.
Speaking about what inspired him to write the book, Batiuk said: 'The first part of Lisa's Story was based on the experiences of friends and relatives who had been touched by cancer. When I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2003, I realized what a huge gulf exists between empathy and personal experience and that I had only skimmed the surface of a cancer story in the first telling. This led to the second half of Lisa's Story, which I hope will be a cautionary tale about the importance of early diagnosis.'
As a cancer survivor, the author has a keen sense of its implications for a family. His book is also a remarkable illustration of how much we've changed our approach to the problem.
We have turned the corner in our discourse about cancer. Addressing it in a forthright manner helps people understand that having "the Big C" no longer means giving up. John Wayne certainly would be proud."
Saturday, October 27, 2007
And More Pictures...
Mike, Kayla and Dean - Alright Kayla! No fair hiding your eyes!
Bev - this one is just for you! I KNOW how much you love having your picture up here! (Sorry - I just couldn't resist!)
Josh and Jess - It was a special treat having Josh there because he lives and works in Pittsburgh.
Still at the table - the back of Helen's head (Hey - I never said I was a good photographer!), Chris, Michelle, and family friend, Maria or AKA "Mama Banks".