Judy said today that this chemotherapy treatment Mike is having has been much harder on him than his treatments he had when he first became sick. I'm sure because the cancer has spread the chemo has to be a lot stronger.
He doesn't throw up, but he gets up in the morning and has terrible dry heaves. This morning must have been particularly bad because Mike was late going to work and that's not like him. Judy said it sounds like he is throwing up everything inside of him. He is also having problems eating. He has no appetite. This is where the catch-22 comes in from being sick like this - you have to eat to gain strength and help build up your system, but the illness itself and chemotherapy kills your appetite. I have never had cancer (thank God!), but I know for myself just from having the chronic illnesses that I have how hard it is to eat when you are really feeling bad.
Eating is definitely not a top priority when you feel this bad, but it is something that you have to force yourself to do. We need to get Mike to eat more! He needs some weight back on and strength.
Hey Mike - I SAID EAT!! :) Don't make me come up there!
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