Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mike's "Experimental" Chemotherapy...

After Judy found out yesterday that Mike's insurance won't cover his chemotherapy, she was told to take her tax records, his W2 forms, etc. to see if they could qualify for a reduced rate on the type of chemotherapy he has to have.

As I mentioned in my post yesterday, his insurance won't pay because this type of chemotherapy has not been approved by the FDA. It is the most effective chemotherapy treatment available for the type of cancer Mike has.

Judy said the company that markets this type of chemotherapy will call the insurance company and they will try to convince them to cover the costs. If the insurance company still refuses to pay for it, then their next step will be to see if Mike qualifies for a discounted rate on the treatment.

If his earnings are considered low enough he could even possibly qualify for free chemotherapy. Now its just a wait and see game.

More later...

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