Mike & Judy got some good news today - Mike can start his chemotherapy treatments Monday. The bad news is that they will have to pay $3,000.00 for EACH chemotherapy treatment out of their own pockets. Mike has to have four of these chemotherapy treatments over the next two months. So their total just for this round of chemotherapy will be $12,000.00.
After these four treatments have been completed, Mike will be evaluated again to see if the chemo is helping to fight the cancer. If things are working well with this treatment, he will continue with more of the same treatment.
Their insurance is going to pay for some of the treatment now, but $3,000.00 each session is Mike & Judy's responsibility to pay. They will be put on a payment plan to pay off the balance.
Judy has also figured out what his supplements will cost per month that he needs to take to keep up his immune system. The cost for those are $250.00 a month. Our family is working hard and praying hard for all of this to fall into place. With faith and lots of prayer, we know things will work out.
Wow, that is a huge financial burden. I followed your link from wahm.com. I will pray for Mike and his family.
What a wonderful thing you have done by setting up this blog to help. May God bless you.
That is a huge financial burden. My cousin has been battling renal cell carcinoma for five years. I know that certain foundations assist him with the payment of some of his medications and/or treatments. He just had his sixth major surgery and is taking a radiation type pill that is very expensive that is being paid for by a particular foundation. He was a child when this began-14 years old-that might be part of the reason he is getting help?? Have you guys looked into anything like that? Praying for Mike and everyone around him.
Hi Annette and Mercedes! Thanks for stopping by! We appreciate it!
Mercedes - I'm not sure if Mike & Judy know about this or not. I will have to say something to her. I've been talking to her almost daily, so I will try to remember (my memory stinks!) to say something to her.
Whew-I have some catching up to do. Took me forever to get back to my post to see if there was an update. So-did you find out anything about this? I have a correction to make-My cousin isn't taking a radiation pill-it's a chemo pill. It raises his blood pressure and causes problems with his feet. He is on campus this semester-but it is difficult. He purchased a bicycle to get around with because it hurts him to walk for too long. Hugs to all your way! Praying for Mike!
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