Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fight For Mike Donations

My brother-in-law is fighting a huge battle against cancer right now. He was diagnosed a little over a year ago with Esophageal Cancer.

He had his esophagus removed, part of his stomach, and some of his stomach was stretched to make a new esophagus. He went through chemotherapy and all of the other necessary treatments for his cancer and went into remission.

He just found out that his cancer has returned and this time it is in his spine and in his ribs. The doctors have given him four months to two years to live, but the family has not given up hope. His wife and children are seeking other treatments and one of them is treatment in Mexico. But the cost is so high.

One way we are trying to help is by raising money for him to have the treatments he needs so that he can live. We are accepting donations in any amounts that anyone is willing to give. If you would like to donate to this cause, please click on the Paypal donation button above. Thank you!

If you would like to ask me further questions, send cards or other wishes, please contact me at my email address fightformike@hotmail.com.

We are asking for prayers like crazy, so if you go to church, please add Mike Metzler to your prayer list.


Luanne said...

Hey Sandy, sometimes the airlines have departments which offer discounts for cancer patients. I also know that some frequent flyers will donate miles towards a free ticket for stuff like this. Check on flyertalk.com in their forum section to see if you can find any information on it.

Sandy said...

Thanks luanne for the suggestion! I will see what I can find out!

Ekaybrown said...

Have you looked at all at "Cancer Treatment Centers of America" I believe there is one located in Philadelphia.. They work on all aspects of the recovery, physical, mental, spiritual... and from what I have read they have donations for those who cannot afford the care there.. Just a thought.. Will be lifting Mike up in prayer.. Kay