Sunday, September 30, 2007
Inspiration For Today...

Saturday, September 29, 2007
Fighting Cancer Aint Cheap!

Mike & Judy got some good news today - Mike can start his chemotherapy treatments Monday. The bad news is that they will have to pay $3,000.00 for EACH chemotherapy treatment out of their own pockets. Mike has to have four of these chemotherapy treatments over the next two months. So their total just for this round of chemotherapy will be $12,000.00.
After these four treatments have been completed, Mike will be evaluated again to see if the chemo is helping to fight the cancer. If things are working well with this treatment, he will continue with more of the same treatment.
Their insurance is going to pay for some of the treatment now, but $3,000.00 each session is Mike & Judy's responsibility to pay. They will be put on a payment plan to pay off the balance.
Judy has also figured out what his supplements will cost per month that he needs to take to keep up his immune system. The cost for those are $250.00 a month. Our family is working hard and praying hard for all of this to fall into place. With faith and lots of prayer, we know things will work out.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thanks For The Comments!
WAHM Reviews Writes About Mike!

Another wonderful post was written today from WAHM Reviews about Mike and this blog. Everyone has just been great and we appreciate all of the support, prayers and love being poured out for this great man!
About Mike...

Mike is the type of person who would take the shirt and pants off of his body and give them to someone else and then he would just turn around, walk away, go back to working and not give it a second thought. He would just say, "whatever - no big deal" and go on with his day.
I think most of us were more surprised about his cancer returning because he always has such a positive attitude - and he still does. We all know that because of his great spirit and attitude that if anyone can beat this, Mike can. I know inside this has to be extremely hard for him but none of us will ever see that.
Mike and I have always joked around a lot and he always calls me "Kiddo". He is fun and we always enjoy being around him!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Healthy Perspectives Gives Us A Plug Today!
Fighting For Mike, Fighting The Cancer
Lance Armstrong Said It Best...

"Anything is possible. You can be told that you have a 90-percent chance or a 50-percent chance or a 1-percent chance, but you have to believe, and you have to fight."
- Lance Armstrong
Mike's "Experimental" Chemotherapy...
As I mentioned in my post yesterday, his insurance won't pay because this type of chemotherapy has not been approved by the FDA. It is the most effective chemotherapy treatment available for the type of cancer Mike has.
Judy said the company that markets this type of chemotherapy will call the insurance company and they will try to convince them to cover the costs. If the insurance company still refuses to pay for it, then their next step will be to see if Mike qualifies for a discounted rate on the treatment.
If his earnings are considered low enough he could even possibly qualify for free chemotherapy. Now its just a wait and see game.
More later...
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I'll Be by Reba McEntire
I love this song and I thought it would be a great addition to Mike's blog! Keep the faith! We all love you guys!
Another Stumbling Block...
Judy said there is somewhere she was going today where she had to take their tax information, proof of earnings, etc. to see if they can somehow get a reduced rate. As we all know though even a reduced rate on medical treatments is still so costly.
She is also worried because they need to get his treatment started as soon as possible and all of this paperwork and other junk that these insurance companies and hospitals put you through is wasting precious time.
I Saw Mike & Judy Last Night

Judy gave me an update on more of what the doctor told them. The cancer is in both lungs, his spine, the back part of his ribcage, and it is in his bones. Mike has been having trouble breathing. Now we know why. Hopefully he will start chemotherapy this week.
Thanks to those of you who have left comments on the other posts! I know that Mike & Judy will appreciate reading what nice things everyone has to say! Keep praying!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Mike's Doctor's Appointment Today
Mike & Judy, his wife, have been looking into some alternative treatments and the doctor told them he could use these methods as long as they aren't "toxic" to his body. As if chemotherapy isn't toxic?
Mike's immune system is weak, so they are trying to find immune system builders and other vitamins and supplements to build him up.
Please keep them in your prayers.
Fight For Mike Donations
My brother-in-law is fighting a huge battle against cancer right now. He was diagnosed a little over a year ago with Esophageal Cancer.
He had his esophagus removed, part of his stomach, and some of his stomach was stretched to make a new esophagus. He went through chemotherapy and all of the other necessary treatments for his cancer and went into remission.
He just found out that his cancer has returned and this time it is in his spine and in his ribs. The doctors have given him four months to two years to live, but the family has not given up hope. His wife and children are seeking other treatments and one of them is treatment in Mexico. But the cost is so high.
One way we are trying to help is by raising money for him to have the treatments he needs so that he can live. We are accepting donations in any amounts that anyone is willing to give. If you would like to donate to this cause, please click on the Paypal donation button above. Thank you!
If you would like to ask me further questions, send cards or other wishes, please contact me at my email address fightformike@hotmail.com.
We are asking for prayers like crazy, so if you go to church, please add Mike Metzler to your prayer list.