Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Take the Challenge: 100 Days of Love

The website 100 Days of Love is offering a challenge to all of us to make a difference in the world by showing 100 days of love in various ways. The mission of the blog is clear - we should not wait until a tragedy happens to show others how much we love them and to do things to help our fellow mankind. Take the challenge for the next 100 days - you will be a better person for it. So that you can catch up on the days missed since the blog went up, here are the challenges thus far:

Day 1 - Please Join Us

Day 2 - Forgiveness

Day 3 - Hug O' War

Day 4 - Simple Service

Day 5 - Premature Judgment?

Day 6 - Attitude

Day 7 - Comfort Zones

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