Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Mike's First Chemotherapy Treatment

Mike & Judy - October 1, 2007

Mike had his first chemotherapy treatment yesterday. He was at the treatment center for five hours! I saw him and Judy last night and he said he wasn't feeling too great. He looked tired, but he still had his normal chipper attitude.

I took my son along and we took pictures of Mike and Judy for everyone to see on here!

Back before Mike became sick with cancer 1 1/2 years ago, he weighed 260 pounds. Judy told me last week that he is down to either 140 or 150 pounds. He really needs to put some weight back on so that he has some strength to fight the good fight.

Mike & Judy were telling me about this man who was also at the center for treatment. Judy said it showed her that even though things are bad for them, there are still people out there who have it worse. This gentleman has two young children and he is also battling cancer. He was at the treatment center for six hours yesterday. They said that his intestines and everything are gone and his rectum was sewed shut. After he left the treatment center, a nurse was coming to his house to hook him back up for chemo for another 48 hours.

When you hear stories like that it makes you realize how good you really do have it.

Keep saying prayers and sending your love to Mike & Judy! We can never have too many prayers!


Sophia M said...

I know these are just words and it's easier to say than do, but the keep the fight, stay positive. You have a lot of people rooting for you. We're here to help you fight this!

Anonymous said...

Hello from Utah, Please know that prayers and love and good thoughts are being sent to you and for you. Rhonda

Sandy said...

Thank you both! Positive reinforcement is always appreciated and it is healthy, too!